Saturday, April 14, 2007

What a Day!

Here is a little bit about yesterday and what we did...I did not go to work as I was supposed to be at the Texas Institute for Surgery at 11:00 am to be ready for the replacement of my stimulator at noon. So we woke up and got ready to go by 10:15 am. When we arrived we filled out the paperwork (not much) and then we waited and waited . Luckily we were expecting to be late because Dr. Desaloms had told us yesterday that he had a major brain surgery to earlier that day. We had not yet been taken back until about 2:15 or so.

My friend, Lark, came over and sat with us in the waiting room and then in the small room where I went to wait until taken to the operating room. Lark and I enjoyed laughing and talking together. Then after about an hour of surgery time (of which I remember nothing) I woke up to the nurse telling me that she was going to "turn me on." They finally let us leave there at about 4:45 or so and we stopped by the Sonic next door to get a smoothie which sounded so good for my throat which was so sore. That was really the only symptom from the surgery that was bothersome...and that was due to a tube that they put down my throat during surgery. The actual spot where the stimulator is is sore and heavy feeling.

When we got home we had very little time to get ready for the arrival of the Sunday School Bunko group. While we were trying to get ready (Jim was cooking up the chicken sauce for the main dish (snow on the mountain) the bad weather siren started going off...The next thing we knew it was over but when I walked in the living room and looked out the windows we had a pool with a tree in of the big pear trees left in the back yard had been broken off and thrown into the pool...Not a fun prospect. People began arriving soon after that...

After eating...I went to sleep while the bunko players began the game...I woke up when Jim woke me up to get up off the bed to get into the covers pain but just a very dry sore throat. Didn't wake up until 6 this morning...Now I'm waiting to go get a haircut at 10 after missing my appt last week.

Here you can see a picture of the tree/

1 comment:

cturkett said...

Those pictures are taken from the balcony that overlooks the pool in our back yard. If you look closely you can see the deck that surrounds that tree in the second picture. It is out behind the pool.