Sunday, March 9, 2008

New Computer!

Friday afternoon when I got back home after meeting with some teacher friends at Starbucks Jim arrived at home just a few minutes before me. He said there was a surprise in the scrapbooking room for our anniversary. Much to my surprise, there were four big boxes sitting in the floor of the room: a new Compaq desktop computer, along with a new printer and an adapter to get that computer onto our home network so that I can check in to the internet.

We had talked a little bit earlier about getting this setup so that we could share the laptop (after we take it in to be fixed before it's warranty runs out...So, now I'm in the process of learning an updated version of the Windows Vista.

I set most of it up myself having more than a little bit of trouble with the wireless adapter to hook me up to the internet. Other than that, it was not a difficult thing to do and I was successfully making changes to the setup of the current programs.

I'm hoping to be able to use this c omputer to access the Heritage Makers site and making a few books . This week I should have lots of time to do that and Ihope to be able t0 finish some other projects. Jim is off to Minnesota and Iowa for the week. It will be a long week for both of us!

I'll add more to this tomorrow...

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Congratulations on the new techno-setup! I really need a new one, too, as mine is five years old. I can't even upgrade to the new Mac OS without a new computer. So Alan said, well, earn it! Ouch!

Seriously, though, I'm happy for you. Tell me more about Heritage Makers....