Thursday, September 27, 2007

A long week...

This has been a longer week than usual mostly because Jim is in Washington DC for the whole week. I've been busy the whole time but it has certainly been a tiring week. On Monday I went up to the old schoolhouse and helped my former team members assess their students with the assessment tool that they are using. It was great to get to be working with the students again--at least the one-on-one work was fun. Such smart children too! That night I had handbell choir from 7 to 8...

Tuesday--back to school for part of the day to continue the same--->that evening I had a meeting at church from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. It's amazing how a change in routine can just make one so tired!

Wednesday--again to school ...although this time I left for a lunch date with a couple of friends from church, then went back to finish up Melissa's class. Sherry has a few word lists to finish so I told her I'd finish those on Friday morning.

Thursday (today) I visited with a rep from the Heritage Makers about their product (making storybooks written by you or me or anyone else.) They have put together a pretty neat website and will "publish" books for all the scrapbookers who like to journal more and more. Then this afternoon Patrick and I went to eat at Mijo's.

Tomorrow I finish with the assessment help and the next time I go up there will probably be as a sub for Sondra on the 12th.

Over and out!


1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Hey, great to hear from you again! I figured you couldn't keep away from school,, haha!

We've been super busy lately, too. And I'm tired, too.

Baby's a boy!