Friday, January 4, 2008

New Chairs!

Today we went shopping for two new chairs that Jim wanted to add to the living room set up that we now have. He has put his recliner out in the garage (and it looks like it will go home with Patrick). We ended up after we left the first store with a new area rug (8' x 10') to "define the seating area" as quoted by Jim. I think he's most likely been watching too much HG stuff on TV.

The store that we went to was in Irving (north of DFW airport). The name of it is THE DUMP. They are only open on Friday-Sunday and today was extra crowded because they were having a clearance sale. EVERYTHING MUST GO!
We couldn't find any matching chairs there so we grabbed the rug and paid for it (that was the major problem there ...we must have stood in line for an hour--and we were at the head of the line !)

Lunch at Schlotsky's and we stopped at Stacy's in Grapevine. You know the place where "if you're not shopping at Stacy's then you're burning money!" Nice store--we narrowed our choice down to three different recliners (smaller than the humongous version that I was expecting). Then we compared to the rug that we had out in the car and actually found one in the store--taking pictures and running across the store to compare to the chairs...Jim was reluctant to give up his first choice but it really didn't go with the rug. Our mind was made up by the salesman when he looked up the list from the warehouse and told us that they didn't have one of the chairs but they did have two of the other one. So, that's the one we have and tomorrow Patrick's truck will be put to use driving out to Grapevine and picking up the two chairs.

Remember the rug pictured above and just imagine Jim's favorite chair on it...ready? Here's the chair:

The colors match but the patterns are much too busy! He agreed that it was too much and so here is the picture of the chairs we are picking up tomorrow...

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

It's so fun to get new furniture. My mom said they bought an armoire and a chair for their living room today. I have been redecorating my kitchen this week. I've also changed accessories around in other parts of the house, cleaned out drawers, tidied up my half of the garage, etc. It's been fun to get a new look.

I know you'll enjoy the chairs and rug...and Patrick will get a chair, too. :)