Sunday, September 9, 2007

Almost Finished!

Here we have the final least, everything except the window treatments (probably will be shutters). I'm thinking about making cookies tomorrow so that I can try out my new oven!

Our cabinets were all sanded and stained and look terrific! How nice to have what seems like a brand-new kitchen!

Here you can see the corner of the cooktop and the corner of the sink. It is a black sink and even though the salesman at Home Depot tried to dissuade us from getting a black cast acrylic, I 'm very glad we did---we love it!

Coming up next is the ceiling fan that is in the breakfast room. We hadn't even thought of getting a new one...but the peach colored one just would not have worked in our new dark, rich red walled kitchen and breakfast room.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

It's gorgeous as I knew it would be! Love the choices of granite, etc. Of course, I also love bold-colored walls so the red is great!

Suggestion if your kitchen chairs are padded: recover the seats with a great print and use the same for window valances. Would be a nice accent with all that wood.