Saturday, July 28, 2007

Suddenly, August!

Don't know why I chose to begin this with that particular headline...It doesn't really go with this picture of 3 lovely ladies! It's hard to believe that it is almost the end of August and soon most of the educators will be going back to work and to school. But, not me! Nope, I have officially retired and am very glad of it!

I'm going to get involved in some kind of exercise program even if means that I have to go upstairs (where there is not much air conditioning taking place) and pull out the DANCE, DANCE REVOLUTION xbox game.

Today I received a copy of a direct deposit that the school district made for this month. They should not be paying me anything this month (since they paid me for the rest of the year at the end of May), but I received a deposit notification slip for $.03!!!!!I could not believe that they bothered to find an evidently "missing" three cents and go to the trouble and expense to have it mailed to me.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

mid-July already? wow!

Here we are-- Lark and I got a chance to meet Mrs. Muhammed Ali, Lonnie Ali, at the YOPN conference. She was there to kick off a new program for caregivers of those of us with Parkinson's and the search for the cure of PD. It's difficult for me to imagine that he (Muhammed Ali) has had PD now for over 20 years but he has! She was a very inspirational speaker!

Since I've returned home I have begun enjoying my time to myself. I spent a little time shopping and adding to my scrapbooking supplies. I also added to my Jim Shore collection by adding the Palm tree, camel, and drummer boy to the nativity scene that we bought when we first saw it back in 2003 in Fredericksburg. Jim has left this morning for Washington D.C. and will be back on Friday. Today I'm planning on lunching with the bunch from school at Mercado Juarez. It's a "goodbye" party for Margie Anderson--her husband got a job in Phoenix, Arizona, so she is moving there.

I'm continuing to work on my scrapbook from our Caribbean Tour at Spring Break. Just finished (or almost finished) my Retirement reception book. I'll see about posting it to this site...

More later...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

On My Way to Chicago!

Tomorrow morning I will meet Lark at the airport to catch our plane to Chicago and the Young Onset Parkinson Network Conference. The meetings will be held Friday and Saturday right there near the airport at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare. This is my last event for the time being...Hooray! I'm ready to stay home now for a while.

Unfortunately, James is expected in court on Monday morning and he still doesn't have a lawyer lined up. Please pray that all will turn out for the best for him and his girlfriend Ashley. A special prayer that Jim and I will be able to show him our love for him and that he makes decisions that will be best.

Patrick begins his week as co-dean of senior high camp down at Glen Lake on Sunday. For him we pray that the campers and the volunteers will enjoy a week of inspiration and experience a closeness to God while having fun and meeting new friends.

Mother's sodium level was too least that 's what her doctor thinks is what caused her to pass out last week while eating out on her birthday.

More after Chicago...